The same font Kraft uses on Kool-Aid |
Consider that if you want flavor you need more than a cig-a-like. You need a 'personal vaporizer', and the absolute, bottom rung, minimal starter the fails miserably at flavor presentation and vapor production, is going to start at around $30... and that's before you spend $10 - $20 or more on a bottle of flavored e-liquid. Let's just call it a $50 minimum investment for a child to enjoy one of these flavors. Now you tell me, how many kids are going to spend $50 on a low quality vaporizer and a bottle of e-liquid rather than buying flavored cola and candy?
Looks exactly like an old Rocket Pop ad |
So WE all know that before anyone can use any of the ‘flavors’ that are purportedly marketed to children, they first have to be willing to invest in costly hardware. That hardware cost alone is an fairly reasonable gatekeeper preventing most kids from using e-liquids.
It sure looks like a kids juice. |
We need to discourage e-liquid manufacturers from using labeling that the anti-vaping zealots will use against us. We can do this by telling them how we feel about their labeling, and we can do this be refusing to purchase e-liquid with questionable labeling. We need to discourage retailers, both online and brick & mortar, from selling e-liquid with questionable labeling. Again, we can let them know how we feel, and we can chose not to purchase the liquid in question, or in extreme cases, we can choose not to purchase from the retailer at all if they carry a questionable liquid.
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Lost Art Liquids changed this label design after negative reaction from the vaping community. |
While one e-liquid manufacturer has pulled a particularly egregious label that was a nearly exact copy of a well known kids breakfast cereal box and replaced it with something that, while still questionable, isn't nearly as bad, other manufacturers are turning a deaf ear to consumer concerns. It’s clear that some segments of the vaping industry is uninterested in self regulation, and that leaves it up to us, the consumers, to regulate for them. If we regulate what we buy, then rather quickly the vendors and manufacturers will either regulate what they sell and make, or they will go out of business. Let’s hope for the former, but either outcome robs the opposition of ammunition that they can, and will, use to sway public opinion against vaping.
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Not as bad, but still questionable labels from Lost Art Liquids |